Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - Trailer

  • 02 December 2016

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is a standalone Star Wars film which acts as an important subplot to the original 1977 movie 'A New Hope'. In the man film, Luke and his uncle take ownership of a droid sold to them and as Luke cleans the droid up he hears a section of a message left for someone called Obi-Wan Kenobi pleading for his help. Luke decides to find the only man he knows by the name of Kenobi and his mission turns into the story we all know.

The data on R2-D2 memory is the story of Rouge One. The Rebel Alliance are aware that the Galactic Empire are building a humongous super machine capable of destroy vast areas of space and one of their rebel fighters might just hold the key to more information than she knows.

Jin Erso is a loyal member of the Alliance though she often acts as a lone rebel and takes risks greater than her superiors would like. When a fraction of the Alliance learns that Erso's father played a crucial role in building the device she knows that she must track him down.

Her father once told her that no matter what her father has got himself involved in, he's only ever wanted to protect her but now everything she has believed is thrown into question.

Erso and a small team launch a critical mission to take possession of the plans for The Death Star so they can launch a planned attack and hopefully destroy the star before the Empire use it to destroy any planet that stands in their way.